Another Sunday brew day. Wasn't sure all week if I'd have the time to brew today, but the slurry of Urquell in the fridge wasn't going to last forever. And it's 48F in the basement. I decided yesterday I'd brew either a Munich Dunkel or a Schwartzbier since I now have 15 gallons of pilsner going. But I changed my mind and today's brew is a Red Rye Pilsner. Still can't get past the current pilsner theme....this is a beer I've done a couple of times. A nice dark red, pretty bitter, and the added twist of rye. It's a classic homebrew, totally invented & no official style of beer. I usually try to mix it up when I'm brewing. So in anticpation of lots of classic German/Czech pilsners on the way, this will be a nice change.
Recipe: German pilsner malt, dark munich malt, rye malt, flaked rye, caramunich I, and a pinch of chocolate rye to redden it up. Hopping is Northern Brewer for bittering, Spalt, Centennial, Liberty and Tettnang. 
Now for the liberal part:
I'm watching the political shows this a.m. as I brew. Can't believe Douglas Feith has the cohones to say that the whole WMD scam was legit. Bastard. Wish he'd go over and prove it.....
Anyway, the Scooter Libby trial has been interesting...I hope Big Dick gets called to testify. Inquiring minds want to know.
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