Saturday, January 27, 2007

Slurry: it's a beautiful thing

The witbier is going crazy.........I've washed out the airlock twice, but it looks like it's settled down a bit so I won't bother with the blow-off stuff. It's been a pretty steady 66F. Time to plan for tomorrow's brew. I have a slurry of Budvar yeast in the fridge. Just used it for the first time in a 10 gallon partial mash brew. I split the pilsner into two fermenters and pitched the Budvar in one and the Urquel in the other. Both are fairly recent additions to the Wyeast line up. Side by side, at 53F in the basement, the Budvar finished first. Tasted very promising when I racked it and it has already started to clear. I'll move these two pilsners along pretty quickly since I'll need to get some beer in kegs soon. The all grain brew tomorrow will be given a little more respect.....

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